Thursday, August 27, 2009

If I'm Not Back In Thirty Minutes, Call The President

Amanda Marcotte wisely points out ahead of time that should anything happen to her, she damn well wants her death to be used to motivate progressives to carry on her political beliefs.
I’m almost 32 and I’m in good health, so this might seem a little premature. But as the President pointed out that even young, healthy people should have living wills, the occasion of Ted Kennedy’s death---and Paul Wellstone’s before it---makes it clear that anyone who is a liberal in the public eye at all should explicitly spell out their wishes about the “politicization” of their deaths, or else the wingnuts will declare that the only proper way to honor your legacy is to start by undermining it.
Point taken. Should I die, keep on making fun of stupid people. You have my express permission to moon Joe F'ckin Lieberman while you're at it.

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