Monday, November 2, 2009

In Which Zandar Answers Your Burning Questions

Steve Benen asks:
A couple of angles to consider here. First, George W. Bush took months to ponder the "surge" policy in Iraq. I don't recall leading Republicans demanding immediate decisions at the time.

Second, how do GOP leaders, with a straight face, demand thoughtful, endless deliberations on domestic policies they've already decided to oppose, but insist on war escalation decisions based on an arbitrary timetable of their own making?

They're assholes, Steve. Any domestic policy must be delayed because Congress is moving too fast, unless it's a chance to blow up various and sundry Raghead Sunzabitches, in which case it's "Faster, please."

This is because the only purpose your average Republican has for Federal government is to use it as a weapon against people Republicans don't like. The rest of the functions of government are of course unbearable breaches of freedom and intolerable tyranny, except for the part where the State gets to do violence towards non-Republicans.

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