Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Return To Violence And Hate

Reading this Dave Neiwert article at C&L, I have to ask what kind of world do we live in when Pat Boone (yes, that Pat Boone) has turned into a raving lunatic, saying that the Obamas are "vermin" who need to be "fumigated"?

No, he wants people who think like this, in order to "radically transform America," as he has pledged.

And they will do just that, drastically … unless we act, decisively and powerfully. Our White House is being eaten away from within. We urgently need to throw a "tent" of public remonstration and outcry over that hallowed abode, to cause them to quake and hunker down inside. And then treat the invaders, the alien rodents, to massive voter gas – the most lethal antidote to would-be tyrants and usurpers.

We must clean house – starting with our own White House.

And it gets worse. As Dave says:
This kind of talk is an open invitation to violence; it creates permission for someone to act on this kind of exhortation, especially because it not only dehumanizes, it reduces people to the level of vermin, objects not only fit but desired for elimination.

If Pat Boone is any kind of gauge of the state of mainstream conservatism, I think it's safe to say these people have gone over a cliff and into a deep, yawning abyss.

There's a reason why he refers to such comments as "eliminationist". It's disturbing as hell and yet completely par for the course out there in Wingerland.

"Will anyone rid me of this troublesome Obama?" they ask. Who will answer?

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