Friday, December 4, 2009

Gold, Guns, God, And Goofy Galties

Digby passes along the latest Teabagger missive making the rounds on Teh Intertoobs:
And, with this Administration's mantra of things 'being too big to
fail,' Obama and his minions will try to sell the public on the
notion that since America is too big to fail, the only salvation is
to give up our financial system and its currency and move to a new
world order under a global government with a global currency.

At that point, we can permanently kiss our liberties good-bye.

You think it can't happen? Well, did you ever think that this nation
could run up an extra 2 trillion dollars in debt in one year? Since
January of this year, Obama's policies have resulted in an extra 1.8
trillion dollars of debt.
(More Teabaggin' after the jump...)
What can we do as citizens to stop this headlong acceleration into
national destruction?

· First, deal in cash as much as possible, although it is probably
not a good idea to hoard it. If the dollar's value goes to zero, it
won't be worth anything, anyway.

· Second, invest in silver, gold, platinum, and other precious
medals. But here again, don't put all of your eggs in one basket. For
those who can't afford gold, which is at an all-time high, silver is
a good alternative.

· Third, do not help big banks and large mortgage and financial
institutions. Get out of them. Choose local institutions with a
conservative track record and with no ties to large outside entities.
Do your homework and investigate your bank thoroughly before putting
any money with them. And even then, don't put in too much. The FDIC
is flat broke. That means if your bank goes under, there is no real
money there to cover your lost savings or your dissolved checking

· Fourth, become a political activist. Demand that Washington change
course. Throw the bums out in 2010 and 2012. And let your voices be
loud and relentless. Demand that sound economic policies be
implemented based on restrictions on government spending, balanced
budgets, and reducing the debt.

· Fifth, abolish the Federal Reserve. Simply end it. Caput. End of story.

· Sixth, since I am not a financial adviser or planner, my words
above are not meant to convey professional financial advice. I can
only speak about what I will do and what I hear others who have their
eyes wide open recommend. I repeat, do not take my words here as
financial advice.

· Seventh, go back and re-read the sixth above. Eighth, stock up on
guns and ammo. You may well need them before this is over. Economic
collapse usually results in violence. Be ready to defend yourself.

"Tomorrow may be the day after America is gone!"

Dale Robertson is calling for a day of prayer for all Tea Party
members and fellow Patriots. (So far, prayer has escaped taxation.)
Guns, Gold, and God.  Now where have I heard that before?

Surely nobody would ever think that those guns and ammo should be used pre-emptively, either against anyone in government or anyone who represents the law the government stands for.  And certainly nobody would ever consider violence against the man in the White House.

No, there's no right wing violence problem in this country.  Nope...

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