Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'll See Your EPIC FAIL And Raise You A Debbie Schlussel

Thanks to good ol' StarStorm in the comments, we learn that the Wingers refuse to give up on the fantasy that Brave Tedd Petruna Saved America from another 9/11.  Remember, AirTran says Tedd Petruna was never on AirTran Flight 297, but given the fact that a passenger manifest is a legal document that all airlines are required to have for each flight, Debbie Schlussel doubles down on her stupid by saying AirTran is lying and it's a hooooooge conspiracy!
It’s no surprise that AirTran, the TSA, and other authorities are circling the wagons and claiming that Petruna’s and, now, Dr. Robinson’s, accounts aren’t true. That’s what they always do. Attack the messenger to block the truth. But I believe Petruna and, now, Robinson. AirTran and the authorities have every motivation to lie. They acted in the best interests of . . .? Well, certainly not their passengers.
As we know, authorities think we shouldn’t know about these things. They don’t want us to panic or to be suspicious of Muslims, when they’re busy doing outreach over shawarmeh at “Ahmed’s Falafel Hut.” But I had the same experience when Detroit Metro Airport police told me a bomb was found on a Northwest flight, which was evacuated, and Northwest denied it. Or when Muslim men were on a Northwest flight from Detroit to Los Angeles and DHS released a report that was mostly redacted (because if it’s redacted, it didn’t happen, right?).

As I told you, prominent Tennessee-based radio talk show host, Steve Gill, conducted a lengthy, in-depth interview with Dr. Robinson, who confirmed everything Mr. Petruna wrote in his e-mail about what happened on that flight.  Reader H.O. transcribed Steve’s interview, which I’d like you to read.  Steve gave me permission to post that transcription here.  Steve is no lightweight or fringe conspiracy theorist.  He’s a major talk radio host in the South (as well as an attorney, professor, and former White House fellow) and asks the tough questions. And his show is nationally syndicated on radio stations across the country.
And what follows is the crackpot theory that America's airlines and the TSA are systematically and categorically hiding evidence that terrorists are doing dry runs for another 9/11, being covered up by Obama because he's the 13th Imam or the Kwisatz Haderach or The One Who Will Bring Balance To The Force or Inkheart or something.

And of course, Red State not only agrees, but wants to be packing heat on planes so that we can shoot Raghead Sunzabitches first and screw the questions, man.  Because nothing bad could possibly happen by giving demonstrably crazy people firearms on an airplane.

Everything with these idiots always comes back to "Because Obama is pure evil, the only thing that can save us is more guns."

Steven D at BooMan Tribune has more.
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