Sunday, December 6, 2009

Public Flop-Tion

Everything you need to know about this weekend's Senate debate on the public option is summed up by TNR's Jacob Hacker:
In short, the new compromise proposals are anything but. They represent calls for advocates of the public plan to eat their crumbs and be happy. But a majority of Senators support the public plan. At least two--Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent from Vermont and Senator Burris of Illinois--have said having a real public plan in the legislation is a precondition for their support. Those who believe in the public plan—and, more important, who believe in the principle it embodies: that no American who lacks access to good insurance should be forced to buy coverage from the private plans that got us into our present mess--should stand firm in the face of these non-compromises.
This includes President Obama. He made the public plan part of his promise of change in 2008. Now he needs to put his weight and influence behind the public plan and its essential goals, rather than allow them to be gutted. This is in our nation’s interest. It is also in his and his party’s political interest. A bill that forces people to take private insurance but doesn’t create competition or a public benchmark is a prescription for unaffordable coverage, runaway costs, and political backlash. The “middle ground” is nowhere to stand if it’s going to crumble beneath you.
Bottom line: the Senate "Sensible Centrists" are going to do to the public option what they did to the Stimulus package.  This time a lot more is at stake.  In the end, Obama has to push for a real public option, or it will not happen.

What will happen is our last, best chance to right the ship will be lost for good.  How much did your premiums go up this November when you re-enrolled in your company's health care plan? Five percent?  Seven?  Ten?  More?

What will another decade of cost increases like that do to America?  Because that's what we're looking at unless we get a public option.
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