...[T]he reality is much simpler if you go on psychology of Republicans rather than economic theory:Fifty-four weeks later, nobody could have predicted, etc. So gosh, what happens now?
That's it. That's the next two years, if not four years of GOP policy: stop the Democrats from passing any legislation, then blame the Dems when things go to shit. If it's anything like the last two years, the Dems will promptly fold time and time again and give in to nearly every GOP concession, and then get donkey punched in the back of the head anyway when the GOP then turns around and blames the Dems for the weak, incremental legislation that gets passed as a result.
- The Republicans just got their asses kicked in the elections.
- They want to get back in power.
- The easiest way to get back in power is to blame the economy on Obama.
- Therefore, the GOP will do everything in their power to obstruct Obama's economic policy and then blame the Democrats.
The GOP will run Washington and will do so with help from the Village Idiot class, who will helpfully launch "The Economy Was Better Under Bush!" articles left and right.
That's it. That's the plan. You don't need to understand economics. Hell, the GOP doesn't understand economics at all, that's how we go into this. The Right Wing Noise Machine doesn't understand a damn thing about economics. But they understand spin.
They will ruthlessly attack Obama and the Dems. It's nothing more than obstruct legislation, force concessions, claim victory, blame the Dems, repeat.
The GOP doesn't have any solutions to this mess. They simply want to paint anything Obama does as bad and will as a result blame him for everything bad that will happen over the next two years, and then hold up "The Librul Media's Treatment Of Bush" as their argument that payback is a bitch.Next December, I'll check back on this. Now look, I'm no Rahmbo or Nate Silver or Jane Hamsher or BooMan or even an actual political operative out here. I'm just a blogger who saw this coming a mile away and said something about it at the time.
Then they figure they'll swoop in and sharply reduce the Democrat's margins in Congress in 2010 and outright take back Congress and the White House in 2012, and Obama will go down as The Worst President Ever Because He's Worse Than Bush Was.
That's it. That's the entire plan, folks.
And unless the Dems finally find their spine and fight back, it will play out exactly like above. I guarantee it.
Pray I'm wrong. Because if I'm not, come January 2014 or so this country's about to be completely unrecognizable. And at the speed and course we're heading, I don't think I'm going to be wrong.