- The Neo-Con, who likes war.
- The Fiscally Responsible Moderate Guy, who does not like war.
- The Populist, who likes the populist thing.
Even worse for Neo-Con, right now, the Populist and the FRMG are on the same side. FRMG says "Hey, Populist? We've spent $3 trillion in Iraq and Afghanistan and stuff. That's why we're in a massive deficit after seven, eight years of this crap." Populist says "HOLY CRAP YOU'RE RIGHT! BOY THESE NEO-CONS SURE ARE FULL OF IT!"
You see, all this"government is bad" rhetoric and spending taxpayer money willy nilly crap tends to apply to trillions in defense spending as well. When Populist hears from his wife that good ol' Charlie Down The Street is on food stamps because his family's in over his head, Neo-Con is in trouble.
So Neo-Con, he has an idea. "War Bonds!" he says.
NOW, when FRMG says "OK Populist, you're with me on this war being too expensive thing" Populist turns around and says "YEAH HIPPIE BECAUSE YOU HATE AMERICA AND DON'T BUY WAR BONDS LIKE ME!" We're right back to where we were in 2003: anyone who criticizes the war is now unpatriotic, because you bought War Bonds, didn't you?
Neo-Con, he steeples his fingers and goes "Yeah, we can get another eight years out of this easy."
Here my puppet show ends. The real one continues daily.