This guy, Stan Dai? One of James O' Keefe's "wiretapping experts". Watched a little too much 24 there, eh?
They never really had a chance:
The FBI account of the attack reads like a bad script from an episode of the A-team. To me it seems pretty clear that having successfully bamboozled the minimum wage employees of Acorn, the O'Keefe four were rather full of themselves. They don't appear to have considered the fact that the security procedures in place at GSA run facilities are explicitly designed to resist espionage attempts by the KGB, GRU or any other world-class intelligence agency.And I'm willing to bet other people knew it was a criminal act too before they tried it. How deep does this little disgusting rabbit hole go there, The Party Of Law And Order That Is The GOP?
We are obviously going to be seeing a lot of RNC attempts to downplay the significance of this episode. I expect to see it being described as a lark, a prank, a bad joke gone wrong. But there really shouldn't be any doubt that the perpetrators understood they were performing a criminal act.