Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye Bayh Blackbird, Part 2

Greg Sargent surveys the aftermath of Indiana's Dems scrambling to replace Evan Bayh with the signature and filing deadline on Friday.
Because Bayh apparently gave national Dems no heads-up on his retirement, that leaves Dems in a pickle: No replacement candidate is likely to be able to bring in the 4,500 signatures needed by this week’s deadline. That means that under party rules the state party has until June 30th to pick a replacement candidate.

The three leading contenders for national and state Dems, according to a Democratic source: Dem Reps Brad Ellsworth and Baron Hill, and Evansville mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel.

The Dem source describes all three as “strong” contenders and says conversations are under way with them. More in a bit.
Weather in Indiana right now certainly isn't helping.

So, Hoosiers...who would you want to see run for Bayh's seat?

[UPDATE 2:45 PM]  Tamyra d'Ippolito has been quietly running a campaign to be the progressive alternative to Bayh, and she has about 3,500 of the 4,500 signatures needed already as Eric Kleefield reports:
"Just so you know, the Democratic heads in Indiana, there are 92 counties, they have been working against us all this time because they have been for the incumbent, Evan Bayh," said d'Ippolito. "So we are calling on them now - it was only Evan Bayh running as the Democratic candidate - and asking them what will they do now. So this does not give us much time."

I asked d'Ippolito whether she expected the party to work against her signature efforts, in order to preserve their ability to select a new candidate. "Well from what we've been dealing with so far from Evan Bayh, I would have to say yes, unfortunately," said d'Ippolito. "Though they would have the choice - I'm a lifelong Democrat, to choose me as the candidate. I would be glad to do that. But they have been fighting me every step of the way."

"So I have no idea what they will do, but they have not been cooperative so far," d'Ippolito added. "It would be nice if they turned around and became cooperative, but I don't know."

If you're in Indiana, especially Brad Ellisworth's district, see if you can help Tamyra out.
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