Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Feeling Randy, Part 6

Chris Cilizza notes that here in Kentucky, Trey Greyson is losing so badly that he's finally playing the Ron Paul card on Rand Paul.
Grayson, the underdog in the May 18 primary, began the back and forth with an ad that began airing over the weekend in which the narrator says that Paul "wonders whether 9/11 was our fault".

Grayson doubled-down on the attack today with a 90-second web video that splices comments from Paul, Texas Rep. Ron Paul (Rand's father) and, yes, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

The Grayson ad and web video seek to make the case that Rand Paul believes that foreign policy decisions made by the United States in the years preceding Sept. 11, 2001 are partially to blame for the attacks.
That position is, not surprisingly, a stone-cold loser in a Republican primary anywhere in the country but particularly in a state as conservative-leaning as Kentucky.

Knowing this, Paul has immediately launched a statewide television ad in which he expresses his "outrage at terrorists who killed 3,000 innocents" before accusing Grayson of a "lie" and a "shameful" tactic.

There is NO subject more fraught with potential political peril than the terrorist attacks of September 2001. The events of that day left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness of the United States -- changing the way we look at ourselves and the world.

Politics and politicians have struggled to adapt to that change. 
It's a telling sign that Grayson is resorting to this avenue of attack.  He doesn't have much of a choice, frankly.  Paul is killing him in the primary polls and Grayson's a horrible candidate.  "Mitch McConnell's junior sidekick" isn't exactly a popular platform to run on in Kentucky.

Having said that, it's about time somebody made Ron Paul an issue in this race.  Frankly, there's a lot of disturbing things that both Ron and Rand have to say, and watching Grayson and Paul tear each other up over this may finally be the break the Democrats need.

Well, that is if the Democrat in question was anyone other than Lt. Dan.  It's like nobody actually wants to win this seat, and everyone's playing to lose.


Yellow Dog said...

How pessimistic are KY Democrats about this race? Just today I heard a Mongiardo campaign worker say - in all seriousness - "Rand Paul is going to be our next Senator."

Zandar said...

The sad part is the only way Rand Paul loses is if he self destructs more than Mongiardo, Grayson, and Conway do...and that will take a massive, if not historic collapse on Paul's part.

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