Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Unleash Joe Biden, Big F'ckin Deal Edition

Health care bill signing?  UNLEASH JOE BIDEN! *bangs Joe Biden Unleashing Gong*
Beyond the ebullient atmosphere, shout-outs and cheers at the White House signing ceremony of the health care bill, there’s another moment that is being rewound and played again and again: Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s overheard, overly effusive aside to President Obama.

At the end of his introduction of the president, Mr. Biden, who is known for ad-libbing to the point of getting him in a little trouble, turned to Mr. Obama, embraced him and elaborated on the historic nature of the day.

“Mr. President, this is a big … deal,” he said, adding an adjective between the big and the deal that begins with “f.” 
I love this man.  I really do.

Obama doesn't even flinch, either.  He's stone cold.  I love it.
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