Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Count Of Charlie Crist, Oh! Part 15

Florida papers are reporting that Charlie Crist has lined up his biggest donors to appear with him tomorrow in St. Pete to announce he's going to run as an independent.
So the word is out: Gov. Charlie Crist is telling key financial backers that he's running for the U.S. SenateCrist3 with no party affiliation. The announcement is scheduled for 5 p.m. in Straub Park in downtown St. Petersburg. They're expecting a small army of media, and it looks like Crist may have no Republican press staffers with him, and will rely on folks like local supporter Greg Truax and finance director Dane Eagle to deal with press inquiries.

His kick-off fundraiser is tentatively scheduled for Fisher Island off Miami Beach, where his wife owns a home.
Sadly, this means I have to retire this post name.  It was one of my better ones, too.  Three way race, here we come...
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