Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Epic Lamestream Media Pundit Moose Fail

Bob Cesca catches Moose Lady deep, deep in EPIC FAIL territory without a map.
"This is the problem with that lamestream media throughout our country, it's not just this issue but so many. One of the media outlets the other day just, ah, just was killin' me on this one, Sean, where they had a caption across their screen that said this Arizona law will make it -- it will make it illegal to be an illegal immigrant -- some bizarre type 'a headline like that where it was just this illustration that they just don't get it." Sarah Palin on the Hannity show last night
Uh, Sarah?
Come fail away, come fail away, come faaaaaaail away with me...

EPIC FAIL that is.  I mean we've got the Sarah Palin disses FOX angle, Sarah Palin dissing FOX while on FOX angle, and the Sarah Palin dissing FOX while on FOX while WORKING FOR FOX angle.

It's a fractal fail.  If you zoom in really close on any one smaller part of the fail, it resembles the entire larger fail in structure.
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