Tapper: ok let’s move on to something less contentious like Israel killing American citizensMan, what if the boats had donkeys on board? It would have been the Maginot Line all over again, only with...donkeys. I love how the most Westernized, modernized nation in the Middle East is terrified of Palestinians getting their hands on concrete and donkeys like every single Palestinian is Leonardo da Vinci, MacGyver, the Mythbusters and the entire A-Team rolled into one. All one point five million of them. On the other hand...
in international waters
Cornyn: oh come on that American provoked Israel by sailing international waters toward another nation with baby food
Tapper: but Hamas was elected in an election Bush supported
Cornyn: whatever - the ship launched an unprovoked attack on Israel by trying to bring aid into Gaza - it was like Pearl Harbor with wheelchairs
Tapper: but Hamas controls Gaza
Cornyn: but Israel controls the sea
Kerry: Israel has the right to prevent dangerous items from being brought into Gaza
Tapper: what’s dangerous about pasta??
Kerry: hey a fusilli can put your eye out!
Tapper: scary
Kerry: Iran is trying to start a war in the Middle East
Tapper: attacking aid-bringing ships in international waters will surely put a stop to that
Cornyn: right!
...you can do a lot of damage with concrete donkeys.