As angry as they might be, the professional left isn't ready to back a primary challenger to President Obama just yet.
Two high-profile liberals on Thursday said they are not interested in running against the president in 2012, and liberal bloggers say any challenge to Obama would be fraught with difficulty.
“I haven't heard of a credible name that has been floated that would challenge President Obama,” said David Sirota, a prominent liberal blogger. “I haven't heard of that. I think it would be very difficult to do.”
Markos Moulitsas of Daily Kos, who is also a columnist for The Hill, said he didn't think Obama would get a 2012 primary challenge "in a million years." In an e-mail, Moulitsas also said Obama shouldn't be challenged.
Still, some influential voices on the left, which erupted in fury this week at criticism White House press secretary Robert Gibbs made in an interview with The Hill, suggest a multitude of voices in New Hampshire and Iowa could be helpful to the party.
“I have always encouraged a diversity of voices in the primary process, within all parties and at all levels of government,” said Jane Hamsher, founder of, a leading liberal blog.“It's a sign of a healthy democracy,” said Hamsher, who suggested this week that Gibbs’s comments could depress turnout in the November mid-term elections for Congress.
No, what's going to depress turnout in the November midterms is the Village pushing six weeks of Useful Idiots Are Useful and how progressives are simultaneously destroying the country with their agenda while being laughably pathetic and easily dismissed.