The New York Police Department has confirmed to TPM that a cab driver in Manhttan was allegedly stabbed by a passenger who asked if the cabbie was Muslim, and says the incident is being treated as a hate crime. The suspect has been charged with attempted murder and other crimes.
According to Detective Marc Nell, at 6:12 pm last night, the driver picked up Michael Enright, 21, of Brewster, NY, at the intersection of 24th Street and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. The cab proceeded to drive north, and Enright asked the driver, who Nell identified as a 43-year-old Asian male, if he was Muslim. After the driver responded that he was, Enright allegedly stabbed him repeatedly with a Leatherman tool, according to police.
"[Enright] stabbed the driver in the throat, right arm, left forearm, right thumb and upper lip," Nell said.
According to police, the driver called 911, and stopped the cab on 3rd Avenue between 40th and 41st streets, managing to lock Enright inside until police arrived.All in your head.
Waiting now for the screeching wingers to say that Enright here was a liberal working for George Soros, because as we all know, Islamophobia is a myth created by the Left.
Meanwhile, is the President really a Christian?
Digby has more on why these crazy Leftist Saul Alinsky minions had to provoke people by admitting to being Muslim.
[UPDATE] And it's Politico's Ben Smith with the story that Enright "works for a pro-Park51 group" while kind of failing to mention that the guy was part of a group that was filming US military exercises in Afghanistan...and that he was a volunteer, not an employee.
But it doesn't matter, it was all a publicity stunt by ACORN to smear Real Americans, right?