Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Still Not Playing With A Full Deck

Jim Cramer lord.  The man puts the "blithering" in blithering idiot.  Here's how he plans to fix the housing collapse:
“With the right push from the president of the United States, virtually all the negatives we're fretting about today could partially be fixed,” said Cramer. “The president has enough firepower to blast aside the obstacles standing in the way of higher stock prices ... and a stronger economy. We just don't know if he has the will or the inclination.”

Cramer said it’s hard to imagine Obama acknowledging the stock market, let alone embracing it. But the “Mad Money” host thinks the president, who campaigned on “change,” has the power to turn the markets around.

Take disappointing July existing-home sales, for example. What an impact Obama could have made if he had said he’d do everything in his power to increase the demand for housing and tried to convince the American people that, with lower home prices and interest rates, it’s a good idea to buy a house right now, Cramer said. Obama also could have told the country that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke saw this coming and is keeping mortgage rates low to sop up the excess housing stock.
Excuse for thinking that Cramer's plan consists of "Obama needs to clap harder and everything will be fine!"

Jim, let me explain something to you.

Obama saying "it's a great time to buy a house!" isn't going to fix the 9.5% unemployment rate.  It's not going to make the bank magically lend to people. It's not going to solve the fact that Joe and Jane have been trying to sell their house for 2 years now and can't find a buyer at the price they need to charge to end up not losing tens of thousands of dollars in equity (or maybe hundreds of thousands.)

It's not going to fix the fundamental problem we have with the housing market, which is IT HAS COLLAPSED COMPLETELY.

Jesus.  Not to mention if Obama did do that, the Republicans would yell SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT INTERVENTION and attack him anyway.

Really?  Obama needs to tell people to go buy houses?  With what money, genius?
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