Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Monstrous Specter Of Democratic Government

This is the last I want to hear about how Obama has supposedly grown government out of control.


To recap during the Bush years we added 1.7 million federal government employees.

Under Obama's term, if you take away the Census workers, we've gotten rid of roughly a quarter-million or so.

This is why the Mitch Daniels hiring freeze plan is idiotic on its face. We're already cutting thousands of federal employees, and the same people blaming Obama for a bloated government are completely forgetting that George W. Bush engineered the largest expansion in federal government employment.  It's already a "hiring freeze" you dufus Republicans.

And speaking of how Americans do under Democratic administrations as compared to Republicans ones, let's take a look at this chart from Ezra Klein.


Republicans are liars who think you are morons, period.   America does better under Democrats.  Got it?

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