Friday, September 24, 2010

Moose Lady Gives Birth(er)

Sarah Palin has gone full-bore, hard-core birther this week, thus completing the inevitable assimilation of Tea Party, Obama Derangement Syndrome, Christian Dominionist theory, and budget-busting tax cuts for the rich as the GOP of 2010.

Palin (R) managed to suggest Obama has a shady past and use his middle name -- as his critics often did during the 2008 campaign -- all in one quick hit with Fox News' Greta Van Susteren.

"Funny, Greta, we are learning more about Christine O'Donnell and her college years and her teenage years and her financial dealings than anybody ever even bothered to ask about Barack Hussein Obama as a candidate and now as our president," Palin said.

Palin added later that it is "fair to dig in somebody's past." She said that if the "lamestream media" did do that digging voters would "find out their associates and beliefs and what formed their beliefs."

Shocking, I know. Six weeks before the election and Moose Lady is playing the Birther card.  We've come full circle politically with the GOP to September 2008 and they're still playing the same tired old games from two years ago.  They've had that long to come up with their own solutions to the plan, and they've instead come up with "Do we really know anything about Barack Hussein Obama?" and "Tax cuts for the rich!"

Bob Cecsa pegged Sarah Palin months ago:  she's nothing more than a tween girl who speaks in internet memes.
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