Friday, September 24, 2010

T.O., Ocho, and Moose-O

Somebody upstairs likes me, because I get to write about Cincinnati Bengals wideouts Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens, and their take on Sarah Palin.  Seems the Versus Network is giving these two their own show to talk about...various...things called "The T-Ocho Show" and they have opinions on everything, including Moose Lady.  From Fanhouse:

Whatever, it's out there now and the Bengals' wide receivers give their measured takes on this very serious topic: Sarah Palin: In the White House or in Playboy?

"I'd rather see her in the White House," Ochocinco said. "I really don't want to see her in Playboy."

TO added: "There's nothing really about Sarah Palin that is Playboy-ish."

"She's cute though," Ochocinco interjected. "With those little glasses, she looks good."

When asked whether Palin could do more damage in Playboy than the White House, TO offered this: "Nah, I think she could do more damage in the White House than she can in Playboy."

I don't think these two have any idea of the sheer magnitude of the Arrakis sandworms in the can they just opened yet, but this is going to get really, really good. And yes, it's more than a bit sexist.

TO is right about the "Palin can do more damage in the White House" part, in which case this interview may really cause these two some problems come 2013.

Not to mention the rest of us.
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