Monday, December 13, 2010

But The Catfood Commission Came Back, The Very Next Day Part 3

If you thought the Catfood Commission's miserable "Let's cut social programs for tax breaks for the rich!" idiocy was over with, you thought wrong.  It's time for the Sensible Centrist All-Stars to talk you into tightening your belts, America...and they are disappointed in you for not wanting to take your cuts like an adult.  Don't you want to do your part to help America's precious millionaires?

The final vote on the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform Commission's report serves as a concrete example of the disconnect between main street and Washington as well as the dysfunctional state of our current political system.

The Commission's report makes a clear and compelling case that the federal government faces large and growing structural deficits that must be addressed. In fact, the Commission's report was the third fiscal report in the past month alone to come to the same conclusion.

All three also noted that the size of the problem is so great that entitlement reforms, defense and other spending cuts, and additional revenues will be necessary in order to put our nation on a more prudent and sustainable fiscal path.

The American people have also expressed their concern with the country's fiscal state in public opinion polls and at the ballot box in the midterm elections. As a result, 5 of the 6 public members of the Commission and 5 of the 6 Senate members of the Commission voted for the report. They seemed to get the message from mainstream America and were willing to vote to have the report and its recommendations considered by Congress despite serious concerns regarding some of its recommendations.

Mainstream America wants higher taxes and Social Security and Medicare cuts so that the top tax rate can be dropped to 23%.  It has to be true, because Evan Bayh and Christie Todd Whitman would never lie to you.  Won't you help our poor millionaires?  After all, they'll move to the Cayman Islands or something if we don't, and without America's most precious resource, rich people, why the rest of us would be in a recession or something.

Maybe if you're really nice, they'll start hiring people again.  After all, "No Labels" is a lot catchier than "Rich Beltway Centrists Who Think The Wealthiest 20% of America Having 83% of the Country's Wealth Is Unfairly Low."

Now get back to work.  You've got Centrists who need tax breaks to help.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Until McDonald's dollar menu becomes the $2 menu nobody is going to give a shit while these guys wreck our country.

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