Monday, December 13, 2010

Last Call

The Hot, The Not Hot, The Entertaining and The Right On:

The Hot:

The Smoking Gun confirms Bea Arthur was a tough, truck driving Marine. She was described as "argumentative and over-aggressive" by her interviewer. I have a new respect for her, because she may be just as tough and sassy as she portrayed herself to be.

The Not Hot:

It looks like DADT is still going to linger. Three veterans who were discharged under DADT are suing the government to be reinstated, mere days after being delayed again. I am interested to see the outcome of this, or what measures will be taken to delay a final ruling.

The Entertaining:

Google gives us a review of the year in searches. It's interesting to have an entire year reduced to under three minutes, and was fairly thorough.

The Right On:

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