Thursday, February 10, 2011

Last Call

Meanwhile, CPAC got underway today, the annual "I'm more conservative than you!" contest for GOP presidential "hopefuls".  I'm not sure what's funnier, the fact that half the field skipped CPAC this year because the LGBT Republican group GOProud was allowed to attend, and the Sarah Palin/Rick Santorum catfight that ensued as Palin was trying to play both sides on the fence...

Former Pennsylvania Sen. and possible 2012 GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum provided a questionable analysis of Sarah Palin's decision not to attend the annual Conservative Political Action Conference this weekend, saying that it might have something to do with the former vice-presidential candidate's priorities being focused on engagements that promised more "financial benefit."

"I have a feeling that she has some demands on her time, and a lot of them have financial benefit attached to them," Santorum, who will be at CPAC, told conservative commentator S.E. Cupp on a radio program Tuesday, according to Politico.

or Donald Trump saying that Ron Paul is unelectable.

He continued: "I wish there was a candidate that I saw that would be fantastic because I love what I'm doing." When people in the crowd shouted Ron Paul's name, Trump said: "By the way, Ron Paul cannot get elected. I'm sorry."

Trump was promptly booed.

2012 is going to be sooooo much fun.
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