Thursday, May 5, 2011

Another Milepost On The Road To Oblivion

Hey look, Texas again.

A ninth grade algebra teacher was suspended from a Texas school district after making offensive comments to a Muslim student in front of the entire class.

"The teacher told the student that 'I bet you're grieving,'" the mother of a student in the same class told ABC13. "And she basically looked at him and said what are you talking about? And he said I heard about your uncle's death and she said wow, because she understood that he was referring about Osama bin Laden being killed and was racially profiling her."

She added that the teacher "just kind of smirked and giggled and walked away" after the Muslim student ended up crying over the comments.

But note the reaction of the Houston Muslim community:  not anger, just a resigned sadness that I personally understand all too well.

Aziz Siddiqi, president of the Islamic Society of Greater Houston, said he believed the offensive remarks were an isolated incident.

"It's just one individual," he said. "A lot of people suffer because of the actions of one individual. This little girl suffered. The teacher is going to suffer. I think every society has some people who are a little off. He may be one of those."

Not anger, but pity the for the ignorant.  When you've seen incidents like this happen to others and have walked in that girl's shoes yourself for more than a few miles, I can tell you anger becomes far too exhausting and you only really have energy left for some pity before you move on to the next asshole's display of ignorance.

Also, a teacher? Really?

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