Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Herman, Caned

This is starting to look depressingly familiar for the 2012 Clown Car Crew.

Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain’s New Hampshire state director, his only staffer in the state, as well as a Cain campaign regional director have both resigned.

Matt Murphy is the former state director and Jim Zeiler is the former regional director. Both defections raise the question of whether or not the Cain campaign is facing some trouble.

Ellen Carmichael, a spokeswoman for the businessman and former radio host, confirmed to CNN the story that was first reported in the New Hampshire Union Leader. She smacks back any notion that this spells trouble for the campaign.

“We have hired a new New Hampshire director already, who we will announce in the coming days,” Carmichael said.

When asked why Murphy resigned, Carmichael said, “I’m not sure. I mean, it was very amicable, we still correspond with him.” She said that Murphy had another opportunity with another organization.
As for Zeiler, Carmichael said she does not know why he left the campaign.

I'm going to venture an educated guess and go with "Herman Cain is a batshit crazy liar who I wouldn't trust to run a flashlight."  At this rate, all the campaign people for all these wingers will have resigned by October or so.  Maybe if they all banded together in one giant campaign, they could share a staffer.

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