Monday, June 13, 2011


BIRMINGINGHAM, Alabama -- Investigative work by the co-founder of an upstart brewery in Avondale has averted a setback to the company's business and may have collared some crooks in the process.
When he reached a scrap yard in north Birmingham, he tapped the right one.

"We called and asked, 'Did anybody bring in any kegs?' and the guy said, 'Yes, two guys just brought in about 35 or 40 of them,' " Lake said.

Lake headed straight there to claim his property and continue his own citi­zen police work.

"I got their driver's li­censes, their tag and their addresses and I gave them to the police," Lake said.

Lake recognized the men because he saw them scout­ing the brewery Wednesday night. They were persistent in getting to the hundreds of kegs Avondale stores on its back patio.

When he wasn't doing their job for them, the police have yet to show much action, including commenting or contributing.  The kegs are waiting for the cops to process at their convenience.

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