Saturday, June 18, 2011

Smoke Em If You Got Em

Republicans in the House have decided that having the FDA protect children from cigarettes is too much government interference and want to strip the agency of the power to regulate tobacco.  Also, the $290,000 in lobbying money didn't hurt either as GOP Rep Denny Rehberg of Montana is leading the charge:

Among other things, the Rehberg amendment would restrict the FDA’s ability to regulate the use of menthol in cigarettes. The FDA’s Tobacco Products Scientific Advisory Committee in March 2011 issued an exhaustive report that concluded menthol increases the number of kids who start to smoke and reduces the number of smokers who quit. … [And] the addition of menthol is just one example in the tobacco industry’s long history of designing their products to make them more attractive to children and minorities, or more addictive and difficult to quit using. … The tobacco companies add sugars, flavorings and other substances that make their products easier to use and attractive to children. While there may not be evidence that these additives increase the risk of cancer or other diseases, the FDA should be able to stop such actions that make cigarettes more appealing to children and increase the number of kids who smoke.

But hey, who cares about that when the tobacco industry is throwing tens of thousands of dollars at Republican lawmakers?   It's so profitable that in fact Republicans are willing to stab each other in the back over the honor of who gets to please Big Tobacco.

The amendment, whose supporters in the Appropriations Committee accepted almost $290,000 in campaign contributions from the tobacco industry, may fall due to a turf war among Republican committee chairs. House Energy & Commerce Committee Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) is expected to succeed in an attempt to kill the amendment because it attempts to “legislate on an appropriations bill” in violation of the House rules. Such a procedural objection, however, does little to prevent Rehberg’s gift to the tobacco industry from being repackaged in another bill.

Yep, they're fighting over who gets this bill...because they get the money, you see.   That's how Washington works.
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