Friday, July 1, 2011

Exciting New Horizons In Obama Derangement Syndrome

Hey, Robert Tracinski of Real Clear Politics?  Any article that attempts to discuss Obama's "economic ignorance" and includes the following paragraph...

Consider Obama's background. He grew up among leftists, his childhood mentors were outright communists, and he then went off to academia, where he spent his formative years in an environment where business and profit-making are looked down upon as ugly, dirty, rapacious, immoral. Is it any mystery why he doesn't know about business or economics? Asking him to study the economics of the free market is like asking one of the old New England Puritans to thumb through a manual on sex education. Why immerse oneself in a subject that is so unseemly? Why make a study of how to be immoral?

...and then goes on to make the argument that the root of our financial problems in America is "President Soshulist just hates capitalism too much" kinda loses in the "credible objectivity" department.  Anyone who's still on the same garbage arguments from early 2008 and who believes the current economic fracas justifies and confirms those garbage arguments from 2008 never had an argument in the first place worth listening to.
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