Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting Screwed Over In The Bar Gun

Yes, you've heard correctly:  Across the river in Ohio, Gov. Kasich signed a law that allows people to carry guns in bars.

Businesses can ban concealed weapons on their premises for safety reasons if the want to and some, like the Cincinnati Bengals football team, have indicated they will continue to bar gun owners from bringing firearms into the stadium.

The law also prohibits gun owners from consuming alcohol or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs when they carry their weapons into bars.

The new laws allow residents to carry concealed handguns into licensed establishments in the state, including shopping malls and sporting venues.

The new law also allows a person with a concealed carry license to transport a loaded handgun in a motor vehicle without securing it in a holster, case, bag or box -- and allows them to remove a handgun from a secure location.

Yeah, as long as you don't go nip down to the pub to have a pint, you can bring your sidearm.  Designated shooter, I guess.  I'm sure this law won't cause any problems down the road.  All I know is I'm doing my drinking in the NKY from now on, even Kentucky doesn't permit concealed carry in bars, folks.

Best way to solve a shootout at a bar?  More guns.  Brilliant.
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