Board President Ken Knierim said he feels confident the district did nothing wrong.
"There's a lot of misinformation out there," he said. "You need to get information from police reports. This was all handled properly. ... People are jumping to conclusions before they know all the facts."
The News-Leader requested incident reports from the Republic Police Department, but Chief Mark Lowe denied the request, citing Chapter 211.321 subsection 3 of the Missouri Statutes, which concerns the confidentiality of juvenile records.
If you want people to know facts, you have to share them. Sure, a minor's information should be protected, but don't expect me to believe that is what concerns them. If they were so worried about the girl, they wouldn't have allowed her to be sexually assaulted after forcing her to apologize for letting them know about the first attack.
People are pissed. I don't blame them. I'm pretty sure if the facts worked to their advantage, Republic schools would be quick to share them. In the meantime, they can't have it both ways. They cannot withhold information and then complain the facts aren't known. The facts we do have say enough, and so far nobody has contested what is on record so far.