Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Last Call

Matt Osborne says "Pass the Damn Bill!"

During this recession, there have been five unemployed applicants to every new job. Hiring discrimination against the unemployed has made it even harder for the unemployed to find a job. Today, more Americans are unemployed than serving in the American military:
That “army,” in turn, accounts for 17 percent of the American labor force, if one includes part-time workers who need and want full-time work and the millions of unemployed Americans who have grown so discouraged that they’ve given up looking for jobs and so aren’t counted in the official unemployment figures. As is its historic duty, that force of idle workers is once again driving down wages, lengthening working hours, eroding on-the-job conditions, and adding an element of raw fear to the lives of anyone still lucky enough to have a job.
The president has submitted a bill to Congress that would create jobs building schools and repairing infrastructure.  The president’s bill would also prohibit discrimination in hiring the unemployed and create new incentives to hire them. But House Republicans are balking at tax increases to pay for all this, even though the Congressional Budget Office says it will reduce the deficit.

But Republicans would rather see Obama lose his job than help millions of America's unemployed, and they expect you not to give a damn either.  Rugged individualism has turned into "I got mine, screw you."   So what can you do?

ACTION: Call your elected representative and tell them to pass the American Jobs Act now. You can find their office phone listed here, or call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask to be connected.

Geoff Davis's office has already heard from me on this.  Make your voice heard.  If you do nothing, why should you expect the Republicans to be any different?

Oh, and if you have a Dem representing you?  Call them anyway.
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