Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Position On The Condition Your Condition Is In

Have a pre-existing condition?  Have health insurance now thanks to PPACA?  Better hope the GOP doesn't win in November and repeal the law or that SCOTUS doesn't scuttle the individual mandate, because the second that happens, you will be screwed for good:

Health-insurance officials say that if the mandate is repealed, “their first priority would be persuading members of Congress to repeal two of the law’s major insurance changes: a requirement to cover everyone regardless of his or her medical history, and limits on how much insurers can vary premiums based on age.” Their next step would be to “set rewards for people who purchase insurance voluntarily and sanction those who don’t.”

Other possible alternatives to the individual mandate that insurers are weighing:
- Penalize those who enroll outside of short annual windows; deny treatment for specific conditions, especially right after a policy is purchased
- Reward certain insurance buyers, such as offering much lower premiums for younger and healthier people
- Expand employers’ role in automatically enrolling employees for health insurance
- Urge credit-rating firms to use health-insurance status as a factor in determining individuals’ ratings

So yes, if the mandate is repealed and the HCR law changed or repealed, the insurance lobby is primed and ready to strike back and punish the American people.  Free market and all means they get to put on price on your health, you know.

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