Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Ritchie Wretch

The always awesome Yellow Dog has the roundup of everything you need to know of the latest embarrassing scandal here in the Bluegrass State:  former KY GOP Ag Commissioner Ritchie Farmer's massive fraud, corruption and double-dealing while in office.  Joe Sonka, Page One Kentucky, Barefoot & Progressive all get in on the action on this week's big story.

A distant relative of former Agriculture Commissioner Richie Farmer worked in the Department of Agriculture for nearly five years as an amusement ride inspector despite never receiving certification to do the work.

George "Doug" Begley worked from July 1, 2007, to March 12 inspecting amusement park rides in Eastern Kentucky, according to documents obtained by the Lexington Herald-Leader under the state's Open Records Act.

 Documents in Begley's personnel file show he voluntarily accepted a demotion to the department's fuel-testing division in March after Agriculture Commissioner James Comer, who took office in January, discovered that Begley never received his certification.

And so on and so forth.  The real issue of course is the fact that Farmer's replacement, Jamie Comer, is even more of a wingnut asshole who is already taking all the credit for cleaning house.

What should have been new computers for employees, ended up missing from the Department of Agriculture office all together. State Auditor Adam Edelen says the man who was supposed to be leading the office took them. Of the three they were able to get back, they say they have no way of knowing what work was being done with them. "The hard drives were wiped in a way that would be beyond the capability to a lay person," explains Edelen.

Edelen says they are just one example of the many ways former Commissioner Richie Farmer was taking advantage of his role and the taxpayer dollars. "The former Commissioner had state employees on state time take him hunting and shopping, build a basketball court in his backyard, mow his lawn and even chauffeur his dog."

Current Commission Jamie Comer says he ordered the internal audit when his new staff started coming forward with concerns about their old boss. It looks at everything from hiring practices to the money spent starting back in January 2004 when Farmer took office. Edelen says they are only now uncovering the claims because people finally felt safe to speak up.

"This was a climate where staff was directed not to use email. There was a calculated effort to run the office for the benefit of the former Commissioner and folks who got in the way tended to be punished," says Edelen.

Farmer was just corrupt and stupid.  He's also counting on being a former UK college basketball star to get him out of this mess.  He's got another thing coming.  Comer is ambitious and a lot smarter, and he's figured out that he can propel his career rocket quite a distance if he stuffs Farmer in the fuel tank and lights this candle.

Of course, all that depends on Jack Conway, the current Attorney General.  He'd be the man who would have to serve up Farmer's head on a pike.  If he does, he removes a rival for Dinosaur Steve's job in 2015...only to open to door to Comer being able to make his bones and become an even more dangerous one down the road.  On the other hand, should Oldage Mutant Nimrod Turtle retire in 2014, all bets are off.

We'll see where this goes.

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