Monday, May 7, 2012

Unleash Joe Biden, Gay Marriage Edition

Vice-President Joe Biden's major duties in the Obama administration continues to consist mainly of being a combination trial balloon and lightning rod.

In an appearance on Meet the Press Sunday, Vice President Joe Biden said he is “absolutely comfortable with the fact that men marrying men, women marrying women.” But, he added, “The President sets the policy.” 

Biden’s comments mean he has gone further than President Obama in expressing support for marriage equality. 

“I think Will and Grace probably did more to educate the American public than almost anything anybody’s ever done so far,” Biden said Sunday. 

Two things I learned from Will and Grace:  Debra Messing has big feet, and people in New York City drink constantly.  But in all seriousness this is going to put the entire gay marriage issue on the map just as North Carolina votes on Amendment 1 tomorrow to end civil unions and domestic partnerships as well as end same-sex marriage.

It's an interesting play.  We'll see how the President responds, as he will be attacked by both the left and the right.

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