Defeated U.S. Senate candidate Orly Taitz said Wednesday that her loss was likely caused by rigged voting machines.
Writing on her blog Wednesday morning, the Orange County resident said: "At the moment nobody has a clue how these machines are programmed. There is a high probability that different values were given to votes cast for different candidates."
Before the election, Taitz told Patch she suspected widespread voter fraud was responsible for the nation's high incumbency rate.
"How can it be that the members of Congress, which have an approval rating of 9 to 11 percent, can be reelected on average 90 percent of the time?" she said. "Something is very wrong with this system."
This was not the first time Taitz has claimed fraud in her bid for office. Two years ago, she lost to Damon Dunn during the Republican primary and then sued Dunn, claiming fraud. The case was thrown out of court in May.
At that time, the court said Taitz "provided no legal basis" to explain why her opponent's past voter registration constituted fraud.
Oh there's a shocker. Taitz having no legal basis for her insanity.
Now, having said that, there are issues with voting machines in this country, and Brad Friedman at Brad Blog has done an outstanding job of continuing to expose the very real efforts to shape and control our country through voting machine fraud and has done so for years now.
But to see Oily Taint here co-opt Brad's stuff here because she claims she clearly won and was only defrauded out of her Senate seat is just mind-numbingly pathetic.
Even for her.