Frum's imaginary white Republican says things like:
The polls tell me that something like 100% of black Americans will vote for Barack Obama. Are they bigots because they rally to their guy? So why are we supposed to be bigots because maybe 60% of us rally to our guy?
And of course this classic:
This whole thing about us not being "diverse" enough - can we cut the crap on that? You suddenly load up the country with millions of newcomers, put them on food stamps and unemployment insurance and Medicaid and what all, put them on the voting rolls without any ID - invite them to help themselves to everything that was earned before they showed up - and what do you expect the original Americans to do?
You think we're not diverse? This is what diversity looks like: the newcomers bunching up in one party, the old stock inhabitations bunching up in the other. It's the same in Britain and in France and in Germany, and just about everywhere. You don't like it? Maybe you should have thought of that before you invited half of Mexico to move here.
Leading to this finisher:
What you want is a country where everybody looks different, and everybody thinks the same. That's what you call diversity. No thanks. You work hard, you pay your way, you quit asking for handouts, and you're American enough for me - and you'll be up there on the podium with Bobby Jindal, Allen West, Herman Cain, and Nikki Haley as a leader of the one party in this country that isn't hung up on race.
Now Frum knows folks who think this, we all do. And if anything, Frum gives us yet another example of the Mind Of The Privileged White Person, somebody who has the luxury of never having to worry about race. They're pissed because in 2012, race DOES matter politically, more than it ever has since the days of the civil rights movement. When you point out that this privilege exists, people immediately get defensive and angry. It's not a happy, pleasant thing to be forced to think about.
The real problem in the GOP isn't the racism (and it's certainly there) but the complete failure to deal with the assumption of privilege. People don't want to discuss it. They don't want to go there, because it's something by and large that white Americans have the privilege to turn off if they don't want to think about it, unlike basically every person of color. It's a party of a few, awful racist assholes and a whole bunch of enablers.
Having said that, the Democrats aren't angels either. There's all kids of assumption of privilege by white liberals too. But one side at least has leaders, activists, and rank and file members who want to work through to ugly bits. The other? The other side doesn't like to even acknowledge it exists.
I personally think Frum's being too cute by half up there, and the major issue is you have a difficult time telling if Frum is being snide or serious, whether his screed is parody or real (and the difference between the two is microscopic, frankly.) That however doesn't change the point that this really is how an awful lot of white Republicans think...and more than a few white Democrats.