Thursday, August 23, 2012

In Which Bon Screams And Runs Like A Little Girl

I've been working my way into caves, trying to overcome my claustrophobia.  And yeah, sure, my fear of spiders because it has to take back burner to everything else going on.

Until I read this article.  About a spider.  In a cave.  With something called "sickle claws" that is every bit as scary as it sounds.

Scouring the caves of Southwest Oregon, scientists have made the incredible discovery of a fearsome apex predator with massive, sickle claws. No, it's not the Velociraptor fromJurassic Park: it's a large spider that is so unique scientists were forced to create a new taxonomic family for it.

"This is something completely new," lead author of a paper on the species, Charles Griswold with the California Academy of Sciences, told SFGate. "It's a historic event."

Perhaps it's time to take up cross-stitching after all.

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