Thursday, September 20, 2012

Jackass Jail Sentence

TACOMA, Wash. — A Washington state man who beat a neighbor's dog with a hatchet after luring it with treats has been sentenced to six months in jail.

The Pierce County prosecutor's office says 55-year-old Ricky Knowles was sentenced Monday after pleading guilty in July to first-degree animal cruelty.

Prosecutors say Orting police were called after neighbors saw the Pierce County man beat the dog in March. They say police found the dog — Kona — in Knowles' garage tied to a pole, bleeding from severe wounds to his head and neck. They say animal control officers had to cut a piece of wire from around the dog's neck.
Six months is not nearly enough, but it's a damn good start.  This man deserves no mercy, no kindness and no accommodation.  His actions are beneath that.

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