Thursday, September 20, 2012

Springfield Mayor Calls Us Ignorant Hillbillies... And Then It Gets Stupid

When a company is looking for a new site to locate jobs, it looks at several key factors: the quality of schools, the quality of parks and recreation, the availability and quality of the workforce and the attitude of the community. And yes, it looks at whether a community can be described as “welcoming” to various populations that might be considered “different” from the mainstream.
It also checks out the mayor.  And the crooked-ass City Council. It looks at things like the Medicacom Ice Park, that fun little eyesore where they gave Mediacom exclusive rights to the city, so they hiked the rates to pay for their "gift" of an ice park.  Or the fact that they have no voice in government because City Council elections are too expensive, so they'll just tell us how our town will run.  Don't forget Bob's contempt when he said it was hard to find qualified people, meaning most of us are just too stupid to know right from wrong.

I think they'd be proud to see adults giving a damn about how their government is run.  A little salty language in front of teenagers?  Are we really going to pretend that doesn't happen or that the teenagers don't use the same language?

Really, that's his line?  That is what finally brings our mayor to shame?  Because I could put you to sleep with a thousand stories that should have.

What a jackass.
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