Saturday, May 18, 2013

Last Call For Dim Darrel

"The real problem with this IRS scandal is how the White House refused to tell Congress anything about this investigation until after the election, it was a massive cover up and...

...what's this all about then?"

The Treasury Department Inspector General for Tax Administration sent a letter to Congressman Darrell Issa and Congressman Jim Jordan on July 12, 2012 informing them they would be auditing the IRS in response to their concerns that certain groups might be receiving extra scrutiny. The letter came in response to a June 28th letter of that year from Congressman Issa.

The letter states that after meeting with the staff of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, which Issa chairs, the IG Office of Audit began work on the issue. The IG offered in the letter to provide a status update to the staff of the committee throughout the investigation as well as provide copies of interim and final reports.

“We would be happy to provide a status update to the Subcommittee staff and provide a copy of our interim and final reports on the matter when they are issued,” the letter reads.

Oops. GOP knew about this investigation for 10 months.  They said nothing.

“I knew what was approximately in it when we made the allegations about a year ago. This is one of those things where it’s been, in a sense, an open secret, but you don’t accuse the IRS until you’ve had a nonpartisan, deep look,” Issa said. “That’s what the IG has done. That’s why the IGs in fact exist within government, is to find this kind of waste and fraud and abuse of power.”

And Issa immediately accuses the White House of a cover-up.  When Issa knew about the investigation.  You know, the opposite of an actual cover-up.   Over at Hot Air, Mary Katherine Ham has no choice but to move those goalposts again...

The fact that there was an investigation going on was on the IG website as of fall, 2012, according to the same Lew interview with Bloomberg today. “The heads-up that I got was something that was a matter of public knowledge. It was posted on the IG’s website in the fall of 2012,” Lew said. “I was not aware of any details. My deputy was not aware of any details until it became a matter of public knowledge.”  

So now SecTreas Jack Lew is the target.  Keep on copulating with the poultry, guys.  President Obama's approval ratings have gone UP in the last week from 47% on May 14th to 51% on May 17th, according to Gallup.
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