Friday, July 17, 2015

Post-Racial America Update

Oklahomans showed President Obama this week precisely what they thought of him when he came to visit the state to talk about federal prison reform.

Supporters of the confederate flag have their own message to send to President Obama.
In Durant this morning, trucks lined up awaiting his arrival, and now supporters are in Bricktown. 
Supporters want to let the President know the Confederate flag, they say, stands for heritage, not hate. The organizer of the event is someone you might not expect to see standing behind this cause. 
Its a red, white and blue that, for many, carries a message of hate… but that’s not the point these folks want to get across. 
“We don’t believe it’s a symbol of racism,” Andrew Duncomb, an organizer who calls himself “the Black Rebel” says. 
“Hell, I’m just out here supporting my flag, not racists, I don’t want no problems with anybody,” a supporter said. 
A message contrary to the thousands gathering weeks earlier in South Carolina to remove the very same flag. 
They’re blaming the racist problems on the flag and not on the real problems of America. Through the race lies the people who carry and harbor the hate inside,” Duncomb says.

Yeah, showing up to greet this president with Confederate flags waving high.  Classy move, Sooners. Next time get hoods, yes?

Also points for finding that one black guy that thinks the flag is okay, so that it somehow obliterates the value of the tens of millions of Americans who are embarrassed and upset at what that flag of actual, literal traitors to our country means.

Good think racism is over, right?
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