Saturday, July 16, 2016

May Or May Not In The UK

Welcome to the Theresa May era in British politics, where the new Tory government's first order of bsuiness is to rid the nation of that pesky department dealing with climate change.

The government has axed the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Decc) in a major departmental shake-up. 
The brief will be folded into an expanded Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy under Greg Clark. 
Ed Miliband, the former energy and climate secretary under Labour, called the move "plain stupid". 
It comes at a time when campaigners are urging the government to ratify the Paris climate change deal. 
In his statement, Mr Clark appeared keen to calm concerns about the priority given to tackling global warming. 
He said: "I am thrilled to have been appointed to lead this new department charged with delivering a comprehensive industrial strategy, leading Government's relationship with business, furthering our world-class science base, delivering affordable, clean energy and tackling climate change."

Everything's fine, nothing to see here, please go about your business as May's Tories continue to take the country down the primrose path.  Expect more of this as the days, weeks, and months wear on and Brexit-era London decides more and more to pull out of international accords and apologize profusely, but it just can't be done, you see.  British wingnuts may be more polite, but they're just as awful.

New tag: Theresa May.

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