Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Apocalypse Wingnut: Heart Of Dorkness

Over at the Frog Pond, Steven D dives into the brackish, dark waters of the true wingnut blogger fringe and dredges up my evil goatee wearing clone.
Came across this brand new blog yesterday while researching the "Restore the Republic" video I wrote about as an update to my post about Glenn Beck and Chuck Norris and their "We Surround Them" coming TV even on Fox News.

Follow me below the fold for a glimpse into the hatred, paranoia and desires for the overthrow of our government that this blogger who hopes to sponsor a "Patriot March" on Washington, DC this July to protest the tyranny of the Federal Government under President Obama.

This is one wingnut's vision of future events which he believes the Obama administration and control of Congress by the Democratic Party will bring about. Read it not because it is an "entertaining" piece of of unintended farce. Read it because of what it reveals about the mindset of far too many people who do not accept Obama's victory, and believe he should be taken down "by any means necessary." In that respect, it is deeply disturbing. This "prophecy" is from someone who listens to Fox News, is a member of the ditto head nation of Rush Limbaugh, and who likely attended one of those hate fests last October otherwise known as Sarah Palin rallies. I think his screed is representative of a new wave of right wing hatred and violence laced fantasies (and some far to real plans for home grown terrorist violence) which have re-emerged over the last year. So read it, please, if only to better know the insanity that is lurking in the shadows waiting for its moment in the sun.

Do read Steve's post, this guy's most certainly a cross between a Harry Turtledove novel and the fevered rantings of College Republicans on LSD.

Our buddy from Patriot March spins a tale of a mirror's dark aspect, looking into a world where California goes bankrupt, the South secedes, Mexican immigrants take on the National Guard in pitched border battles, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh are taken off the air by government fascists, the illegal Obama administration is overthrown by military junta, and the US is broken up into "autonomous regions".

It's hysterical stuff. You have to laugh at it, because it helps cushion the shock that comes after when you realize that millions of your fellow Americans believe this is going to happen. A whole hell of a lot of people in this country believe that this country under Obama is headed down this firey path to Hell and some will be willing to do whatever it takes to stop Obama and the government. Remember Tim Mcveigh? Eric Rudolph? Crackpots along those lines, domestic terrorists like those hateful fools, they're still out there.

And only one of them has to get lucky.

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