Friday, March 13, 2009

Cramer Vs Cramer

Last night on the Daily Show, Jon Stewart eviscerated Jim "Mad Money" Cramer with his own words. Watch the whole segment, it's excellent stuff. (h/t Crooks and Liars)

The Daily Show's website has more, including the whole interview with Cramer (which went much further than the show's airtime.) Stewart just annihilates the guy and even gets him to promise to clean up his act, not to mention Cramer himself calling for Wall Street indictments is rich. He got his head handed to him in a Ziploc baggie. Stewart does an outstanding job of voicing the real outrage and anger America is dealing with on a daily basis right now.

Guys like Cramer saw this coming and did nothing to stop it, nothing to warn us, and everything to make their own money off the impending stock implosion last year. Nobody was worse than Cramer's head in the sand routine, and Stewart absolutely does a public service by kicking the crap out of this idiot on national television.

But that's the saddest part: We have to rely on a comedian to ask the tough questions, because the Sensible Centrist Village Idiots refuse to do so. I mean I give Cramer credit for showing up and taking his lumps, but the fact of the matter remains that the most insightful TV journalism in America right now comes from a cable network called Comedy Central, for f*ck's sakes. You want to know why the smartest guys in the room missed the financial meltdown? Because not only are the most brilliant financial minds of our tmes a bunch of greedy slimebags, but the guys supposed to be asking these greedy slimebags questions like "Why are you such a greedy slimebag?" are barely smart enough to tie their own shoes. And this is coming from a former mass communications major. In retrospect, I'm damn glad I went into computers instead.

Hey Cramer, where was your indignation 12 months ago? Where were any of the major news networks on this? Any of the major new networks since this happened? People are pissed off, scared, and sick of being manipulated and used. Our leaders screwed up so badly the entire planet is in trouble. I saw it coming then. I told people then it was going to go belly up. But the guys who were wrong are the ones getting rewarded.

But that's life for you.

[UPDATE] Tim at Balloon Juice has more.

[UPDATE 2] Think Progress has more on Cramer's no show on Morning Joe today.

[UPDATE 3] Digby has Cramer's blog response, which actually includes the sentence "I will stand up for what I believe and for what I have always believed: Every person has a right to be rich in this country and I want to help them get there."
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