Friday, March 13, 2009

Wingnut Welfare

Whatever Commentary Magazine is paying Jennifer Rubin, it's 100% too much.
This is why the markets aren’t a “poll”: “The wealth of American families plunged nearly 18% in 2008, erasing years of sharp gains on housing and stocks and marking the biggest loss since the Federal Reserve began keeping track after World War II. The Fed said Thursday that U.S. households’ net worth tumbled by $11 trillion — a decline in a single year that equals the combined annual output of Germany, Japan and the U.K. The data signal the end of an epoch defined by first and second homes, rising retirement funds and ever-fatter portfolios.”
Yes, the stock market collapse of 2008 hurt millions of Americans. Naturally, the person Rubin blames for the stock market collapse of 2008?
Do we think Obama gets this? No.
Because after all, Obama went back in time before he was President and wrecked the global economy just to give himself a huge chasm to dig out of. Jesus wept.
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