Friday, March 13, 2009

The League Of Extraordinary Dipsticks

I'm not sure what Glenn Beck is smoking these days, but I think he's finally gone over the edge. It was bad enough when he was justifying secession and revolution against the government, but now he's basically justifying cold-blooded murder.
On Tuesday, an Alabama man named Michael McLendon killed 10 people in a shooting spree before committing suicide in what has been called “the worst rampage in Alabama’s history.” Police are continuing to interview people who knew McLendon and his victims, but said today that “there’s probably never going to be a motive” found.

During a conversation with Bill O’Reilly on Fox News today, Glenn Beck offered up his own theory about McLendon. “First of all, this guy’s a psycho,” said Beck. Beck added that listening to the description of him, he was reminded of “the American people that feel disenfranchised right now” and “that feel like nobody’s hearing their voice.”

He then questioned whether these people who feel silenced by “political correctness” are likely to “turn into that guy” when “pushed to the wall”:

BECK: Yada yada yada. And every time they do speak out, they’re shut down by political correctness. How do you not have those people turn into that guy?

O’REILLY: Well, look, nobody, even if they’re frustrated, is going to hurt another human being unless they’re mentally ill. I think.

BECK: I think pushed to the wall, you don’t think people get pushed to the wall?

O’REILLY: Nah, I don’t believe in this snap thing. I think that that kind of violence is inside you and it’s a personality disorder.

Nice. It's to the point where BillO thinks Glenn Beck is out of his damn mind. Beck thinks the government is pushing these folks to go on shooting sprees.

I'll let you stop and think about that.

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