Do we really need the F-22 Raptor?Let's run my F-22 Raptor Iraqi Adventure Game!
"YOU are CAPT. BUCK "THUNDERNUTS" JOHNSON, USAF. Your mission is to destroy TERRORISTS with your F-22 RAPTOR! Good luck! America is counting on you!"
You take off from the runway.
Yes, you are.
You fly north.
You are now over Iraq. There is a TERRORIST here.
>look at terrorist
You've seen one, Capt. Johnson, you've seen them all.
>shoot terrorist
With WHAT do you want to shoot the TERRORIST?
>shoot terrorist with missile
You shoot a MISSILE at the TERRORIST.
You miss!
You hit HOUSE! HOUSE takes 1432 points of damage! HOUSE is destroyed! You gain 12 XP. You are penalized 1 COLLATERAL DAMAGE POINT (CDP).
>shoot terrorist with missile
You shoot a MISSILE at the TERRORIST.
You miss!
You hit SCHOOL! SCHOOL takes 1245 points of damage! SCHOOL is critically damaged! You are penalized 3 COLLATERAL DAMAGE POINTS (CDP).
TERRORIST attacks with AK-47!
TERRORIST misses you!
Yeah, I know.
>kill terrorist
You're trying your best. You do have an F-22 RAPTOR you know.
>shoot terrorist with all remaining missiles
You shoot terrorist with METRIC CRAPTON OF MISSILES!
You miss!
You hit MOSQUE! MOSQUE takes 27549 points of damage! MOSQUE is destroyed! You gain 255 XP. You are penalized 148 COLLATERAL DAMAGE POINTS (CDP).
CHUNK OF EXPLODED MOSQUE hits! TERRORIST takes 47 points of damage. TERRORIST dies! You gain 3 XP.
You party down.
You fly back to base.
You land your F-22 RAPTOR.
>exit plane
You get out of the plane. THE ADMIRAL is here. You have EXCEEDED your quota of COLLATERAL DAMAGE POINTS (CDS) on this mission! YOU LOSE! IRAQ ERUPTS INTO JIHAD!
Game over.
"Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, what a ripoff."