Wednesday, March 25, 2009

More On DeSantis

Jake DeSantis, the new John Galt, is certainly getting his 15 minutes of fame for resigning from AIG in a public hissy fit, and I called the guy a sanctimonius asshole. BooMan asks me:
Is he an asshole because we works at AIGFP, because he lectured you, or because he's culpable for some reason?
My response is a little long, but it boils down to this (do go over to the Frog Pond and check out the thread):
He's trying to unwind it? Great. He still made more money than most of us will ever see when he wasn't so indignant towards his employer. He still had some oversight as an executive VP in the financial products division. He could have questioned or stopped or raised doubts then.

Instead his division lost a shitload of money because it got greedy and got burned. He failed. The fact that he still had a job to quit after doing that should offend every human being on Earth, and then he turns around and calculates the price of his indulgence to the People as his bonus, then expects us to forgive him and others like him on Wall Street...the same people who failed to show the restraint two years ago that could have curtailed this mess are now saying "Well fixing this is hard work!" and expecting us to feel sorry for them.

That's what makes this guy an asshole. Americans take responsibility for their actions every day. These guys only did it when it became politically expedient to do so, for the express purpose of absolution of guilt.
And that's what really burned me. Yes, Congress's 90% tax was a dog and pony show. They are politicians and made a political move.

But that doesn't excuse DeSantis's obviously manipulatory resignation letter that mysteriously ends up in the Op-Ed Page of the Liberal Communist Socialist NY F'cking Times. There's a reason I keep using the word absolution. He wants America to forgive him for his sins so he can sleep better at night.

And that is one luxury Jake DeSantis can't buy. Not with all the bailout money in the world.
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