Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Oh Somebody Up There Likes Me Today

...because Michele Bachmann is blogging at Townhall.
It's vital that we ask questions of this Administration as it continues to insert itself into the private sector. Most recently, it's reported that the Obama Administration is considering asking Congress to give the Treasury Secretary the authority to take over non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds.

Giving the Secretary this authority would be an unprecedented transfer of power to the federal government. The current model for regulating the financial markets relies on independent agencies that are independent from the political process.
Oh man, this is like Christmas and Pi Day rolled up into one. "Unprecedented transfer of power?" Is this woman possibly serious? Has she forgotten the last eight years of George W. Bush's "plenary executive?" Has she forgotten the torture, and the wiretapping, and the firing of US attorneys, and subornation of science in the name of politics, the massive expansion of Dick Cheney's supposed powers, the politicization of every possible duty of the Executive all in the name of George W. Bush being above the law?

Better yet, has she thought for a second that we somehow forgot this when we elected Barack Obama?

How stupid can this woman be?
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